Dyslexia, sometimes known as a reading disability, is brought on by individual variations in the parts of the brain that handle language.

Intelligence, hearing or vision issues are not the cause of dyslexia. The majority of dyslexic youngsters can achieve academic success with tutoring or a customised education program. Support on an emotional level is also crucial.

Symptoms of dyslexia

Before a child starts school, dyslexia symptoms might be challenging to spot, but some warning signs may exist. When the youngster is old enough to start school, his or her teacher can be the first to identify a problem. The condition can vary in severity, but it frequently manifests itself as a youngster begins to learn to read.

Before School

  • Late talking
  • Learning new words
  • slowly
  • Problems forming
  • words correctly, such
  • as reversing sounds
  • in words or confusing
  • words that sound alike
  • Cannot remember or
  • name letters, numbers
  • and colours
  • Struggle to learn
  • nursery rhymes or play
  • rhyming games

School age

  • Reading well below the expected age level
  • Problems processing and understanding what is heard
  • Difficulty finding the right word or forming answers to questions
  • Struggle to remember the sequence of things
  • Difficulty seeing (and occasionally hearing) similarities and differences in letters and words
  • Cannot sound out the pronunciation of unfamiliarwords
  • Difficulty spelling
  • Spending an unusually long time completing readingor writing tasks
  • Avoiding reading activities

Teens and adults

  • Difficulty reading, including reading aloud
  • Slow and labour-intensive reading and
  • writing
  • Problems spelling
  • Avoiding activities that involve reading
  • Mispronouncing names or words, or
  • problems retrieving words
  • Spending an unusually long time
  • completing tasks that involve reading or
  • writing
  • Difficulty summarising a story
  • Trouble learning a second language
  • Difficulty solving word problems


How to help learners with dyslexia

The diagnosis of dyslexia does not guarantee that the child will never learn to read. Numerous programmes that can be helpful might include the following features:

  • Instruction in decoding skills using many senses
  • Repetition and skill review
  • Intervention intensity, or being taken out of class more frequently than once a week for extra help
  • Individual or small-group instruction
  • Teaching decoding skills
  • Drilling sight words
  • Teaching comprehension techniques which will assist learners in getting the most out of their reading.

Accommodations for dyslexic children

Kids with demonstrated dyslexia are eligible for accommodations in school. Accommodations may include:

  • extended test times
  • a quiet space in which to work
  • being able to record lessons
  • the choice to respond orally rather than in writing (when appropriate)
  • elimination of oral reading in class.


Other ways to support a child with dyslexia

Encouragement of their favourite and finest hobbies, whether it's music, joining a sports team, or anything else that boosts confidence, is one of the best ways to support a child with dyslexia – or any youngster who is struggling.

Other things that may help a child with dyslexia include:

  • instead of reading, learners can listen to audiobooks
  • using a tablet or computer to type instead of a pen and paper
  • apps that can turn decoding into a game to make learning enjoyable
  • kids can read in a straight line with the aid of a ruler, which can help them stay focused.


Emotional support

Due to difficulties executing tasks that come readily to others, dyslexia can cause irritation, humiliation, avoidance and low self-esteem. By demystifying the learning condition with your child, you can assist him in acquiring the skills and resilience required to manage it in social and academic settings. Some things you can do to help include:


  • describe the specific difficulties brought on by dyslexia
  • recognise and applaud their effort, even if there are still flaws
  • encourage them by pointing out their accomplishments
  • combat negative self-talk.

